Building an application is a challenging task, takes so much coding, ensuring high security, creating a beautiful layout, and of course much more. In this world of fast-growing technology, a mobile company launches a new model of a mobile phone every month. A software company launches a new application every other few months.

Benefits of Laravel Development

The increasing competition in the market may, unfortunately, doom developers. Every developer dreams to get better after every new app he develops. A Web developer is someone who is utterly responsible for how the website or the application looks. The fate of the site is somehow decided by how it was designed, what tools were used to develop it, how regularly it is updated, and how much traffic it gains.

Being a web developer with time, you need advanced tools and technology that make your skills better. So many software applications have tons of promising features that prove them the best application. A web developer in that context does not only want to create a pleasing website but also less complicated and accessible behind the scenes. Who does not believe in smart work? Everybody does. Everybody wants to lessen the load and time consumption. 

So, here is an application called “Laravel“. This application is the one-stop store for web developers.

An Exordium to Laravel

Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework designed to brighten up the future of web applications. Laravel is a web framework that uses PHP- A programming language, constructed for supporting the development of web applications. Laravel is free software that allows its users to run the software for any purpose. Taylor Otwell is the creator of the laravel web framework. He created laravel to provide a better alternative to another frame that is CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is also an open-source web framework used for building influential websites using PHP.

A boon for website building, the laravel framework employs the architectural pattern- MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER or MVC and is based on Symfony. GitHub, (a global company that provides hosting for software development) hosts the source code of laravel. Laravel is licensed under MIT license. 

Laravel has some extraordinary features that are raising popularity and usage among web developers. Laravel web framework is the perfect solution to all the typical technical troubles. Laravel is changing the course of PHP. Lately, before laravel employed PHP, it was becoming useless for web developers. Laravel has built-in features like Route Model Binding, authentication, authorization, localization, and other mechanisms. 

History and Features of Laravel

 Laravel has become the most favorite web framework of developers today. Web developers find laravel convenient to use to create a fantastic website. Laravel provides appropriate tools and developers enjoy creating sites using it. Laravel has completely changed the way web developers were seeing PHP. The codes used in laravel are convenient to read. With so many astounding traits and technologies used in laravel, has become every developer’s first choice. 

Laravel web framework was released nine years ago on June 9, 2011, with built-in features like authorization and authentication as an attempt to lead the CodeIgniter framework. 

Later, in the same month, Laravel 1was released with more advanced features like routing, localization, sessions, views, and many other fantastic tools. 

In September 2011, laravel 2was released, upgrading its features expeditiously. Further advancements included support for controllers, which previously were not in laravel1 which failed to make it a complete MVC framework. Unfortunately, support for third-party packages was removed from this version of laravel.

One year later in February 2012,laravel 3 was introduced with features like command-line interface or CLI, better database management systems, packaging system called bundles was also introduced. After the release of laravel 3, the developer started taking it more seriously, and the laravel framework started gaining popularity.

In May 2013, the laravel framework was rewritten completely and was introduced as laravel 4. Laravel 4 was codenamed illuminate. New features introduced were improved layout, support for message queues, the function of sending all types of emails, and soft deletion. 

In February 2015, the new laravel was released as laravel 5 with robust features that included scheduler- to execute scheduling tasks, fly system- for remote storage as local storage, directory tree- for better applications, and much more.

In June 2015 was released laravel 5.1, larvae received long-term support for the first time. Laravel 5.3 was released on August 23, 2016, of box improvement in everyday tasks. And after laravel 5.4 on January 24, 2017, and laravel 6 on September 3, 2019, so many new features were added like Laravel Dusk, Laravel Mix, Automatic Facades, shift blueprint code generation, and much more.

And today laravel 7 is winning hearts with fluent String Operations and Route Model Binding Improvements and so much more. 

Benefits of Laravel Development

Benefits of Laravel Development

With laravel becoming better every other day, it may be challenging for a web developer to enhance his skills promptly but also the task is becoming more comfortable than before. Manual tasks are reducing significantly.  

For small or big applications look no further just grab the advantages of a laravel web framework is providing you. We are now introducing you to 14 amazing benefits of laravel development.

Model-View Controller 

Laravel uses MVC which makes it the best framework to use for making your web application. This feature allows the web developer to use the app out of the box. In simple words, you don’t need to install it; specifically, you do not need to configure it, and not even any modification is required. The app is available to you by default.  

Model-View Controller feature manages the data of the application, and no manual handling is required. This feature has already reduced half of the burden of a web developer.

Validation and Error Handling

With is feature becomes easy for a web developer to validate the new data entering your application. Laravel has a large variety of validation rules to authorize the needed d Laravel gives you a large number of different approaches, which result in invalidation of the Incoming HTTP requests. 

On beginning to build a website, a web developer may face many errors. These are Automaticallyhandled by laravel. Laravel web framework logs the errors caused by the new application in the making and delivers it back to the developer. Error handling is a very tedious task, with laravel it will become an easy breezy thing for a developer. Creating a new application will become an effortless job for a developer. It will be fun when you do not have to handle the errors, and your laravel framework is doing it for you. 

LaravelEncrypter- A Great Encryption Algorithm

So, again a robust feature that adds in to make an application the best. Encryption of data is vital for the security of your application. Using laravel’s built-in encryption facilities will ensure data security for sensitive information like secret codes about your website or application. Securing confidential information is a necessity for the better running of an app. Laravel encryption provides AES-256 and AES-128 encryption using OpenSSL.

Want to protect your application from bugs then laravel’sencrypter is a promising feature of the laravel framework. 

Laravel Blade Templates- A Powerful Template Engine

Laravel provides compelling templates. Web developers use laravel blade templates to create a classic model. Laravel has this feature in-built, you do not have to install it separately. Blade templates help to create amazing layouts. The model is light-weighted. You can even use an understandable PHP code. To view blade files, use the extension .blade.PHP. The blade files are stored in the resources/views directory. That is no mess at all and a fantastic template for the app

Artisan Console- A-List Of Helpful Commands

Doesn’t it become more manageable when you have a list of helpful commands that guide you smoothly to create a beautiful application? Undoubtedly, yes. Artisan is a command-line interface that is provided by the laravel web framework. Another benefit of laravel development is that along with the list of commands laravel offers to the developer it also allows him to build your custom command, change the original just the way you want to keep for your website.

The developer is allowed to store the custom commands he has to build to run the application in your storage location. 

Unmissed Notifications via a Variety of Delivery Channels

You can not miss even a single notification when you are running a business. Ever noticed when shopping online, you get an instant message through SMS, emails, and slack. This striking feature of laravel provides you with a medium for sending notifications across various delivery channels. Laravel open-source web frame along with the facility of emails also provides the user with the support of information so that your user does not miss any useful notification.  

You just have to specify the class of the notification and the delivery channel through which you want to send your notification to the user who has only made a purchase.

Speed up Web Requests to Your Application with – Laravel Queues

Who will stay on a website or application, which takes a hell of a lot of time for loading? Exactly nobody. Everyone is busy. Who has the time to invest in a website that takes very long to load? When you search for an application or website on any of the search engines online. With laravel queues, these time-consuming tasks like long loading time, sending emails reduces, and the website speeds up immensely.

Laravel queues will provide a unified API across a variety of diverse queue backends, such as Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, Redis, or even a relational database. – According to

Laravel Socialite-A Convenient Way to Authenticate

Along with a paper and form-based authentication, laravel provides a very understandable and easy way to attest. Currently, socialite supports authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google, GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. 

An Elegant Debug Assistant- Laravel Telescope

This feature provided by the laravel open-source web framework is quite impressive. Just the way a telescope can view distant objects clearly, the Laravel telescope is a potent yet elegant debug assistant. With a laravel telescope, you can easily dig deeper into your application and find out the malfunctioning if present. 

Laravel is an amazing feature that will prove a loyal and useful associate to the laravel development procedure. Laravel digs deeper and acumens the mail, notifications, queues, cache operations, scheduled tasks, requesting into your applications, and more.

Sending and Verifying email Verification requests-Laravel Email Verification

Laravel’s email verification feature allows the user to send and verify the email verification requests conveniently. Some web applications ask the user to get their email address before starting to use the app. Butlaravel’s email verification does not compel the user to verify their email address on every new application they build. The user has to get their email address just once, and they can use the app to create multiple other websites and applications.No hustle of getting email verified every time you build something new.

Flysystem- A Wonderful filesystem Abstraction

Abstraction is one of the significant features of a filesystem. A filesystem helps us to organize our data the way we prefer. FileSystem allows the user to organize data into files, directories, and other ways as well. Laravel provides this incredible file abstraction system. With the laravelflysystem, users can efficiently work with the local filesystem and Amazon S3. and the best part is you can easily switch between the two as the API remains the same for both the system. 

Frank de Jonge provided this excellent fly system PHP package. You can easily store, delete, and retrieve files with laravelflysystem. Even best, you can also custom flysystems. 

Laravel Collections- Working fluently with Arrays of Data

With laravel collections, you can work smoothly with the arrays of data. The Illuminate\Support\Collection is the class that provides this fascinating feature of working with an extensive database of information too, without any hassle. Laravel collections also offer a short-cut to perform some common tasks on collections, and the short-cut is “Higher-Order Messages”.  

Keeping such a huge array of data can cause high usage of memory. There is one more robust feature of laravel, and that is “Lazy Collections”. With this feature, you can work with arrays of data yet keeping the memory usage low.

Laravel Testing- Testing in Minds 

Another potent trait of the laravel open-source web framework is Laravel has an inbuilt feature of testing in mind. Laravel provides support for testing with PHPUnit. This PHPUnit is already installing the application, and you do not have to install it separately. The laravel frameworks allow the user to test the applications conveniently. 

Scheduler- A Convenient Method to Schedule Tasks

Scheduling tasks is a vital aspect of every kind of business. Laravel, with its great feature scheduler, provides a convenient way to schedule tasks. In the old times, every task needed to plan a Cron entry was generated, which was a huge mess and pain for the web developers. But with the scheduler web, developers can smoothly define the schedule command. Also, there is no need to generate cron entry for every new task scheduling, just create one cron entry, and all your tasks will be scheduled automatically with laravel.

You can define schedules like Scheduling Artisan Commands, Scheduling Queued Jobs, Scheduling Shell Commands, Schedule Frequency Options, Timezones, Preventing Task Overlaps, Running Tasks On One Server, Background Tasks, and Maintenance Mode- according to 

Frontend Scaffoldings 

Laravel provides a skeleton for your application. With the laravel framework, you do not need to stress the basic structure of your use. Laravel framework does the job on its own. Laravel starts with Bootstrap, React, and Vue, which is helpful for many applications.

The frontend feature of the laravel web frameworks reduces one more task starting an application from scratch. That can be difficult, of course. Earlier developers used to but now with laravel open-source web framework and web development is becoming slightly more accessible than before. Also, this robust feature saves a lot of time. And who is not running short of time in this rapidly growing world of technology?


Many web developers might be confused about whether they should learn laravel or not in 2020? What is the future of PHP? Will it die? And so many such queries. Thus, a straight answer to this is Yes. laravel is worth learning this year and will be in the coming years as well. Laravel is such a dynamic application and has so many powerful features that make it an amazing and must-use application for web developers.   

Several laravel-based projects are immensely popular among people. These include, koel, Flarum,, the list is long. Also, laravel is already used by so many web developers. Hope these 14 amazing benefits of laravel development were enough for you to switch to laravel undoubtedly.

Hitesh Khatwani

Hitesh Khatwani is Sr. PHP Developer at USS LLC. He likes to share tips Codeigniter Development and Laravel Web Development