You might ask the reason behind the importance of email marketing. On every dollar of investment, how does the return of $38 sound? Might it be too good, right? The niche of email marketing is as inviting as ever! You can’t underscore the vitality of email marketing if you are in a business involving any online presence.

17 Reasons By Email Marketing Are Great For Your Business

The following might be the reasons outlined for the importance of email marketing.

  • It significantly increases your reach as well as communication.
  • It is measurable, flexible, as well as scalable.
  • It can improve your revenue.
  • It stores the data ownership with you.

Today, we are going to discuss the 17 reasons to show the importance of email marketing in businesses.


By being only comparable to social media channels, email marketing gives you an unprecedented reach. Email can fill the cup where the capabilities of social media fall short. So, for your business, let us check out why email marketing is essential.

1. Almost All Use Email

Email is used by almost half of the entire planet. For your marketing, the mass adoption of Email can make it a perfect channel. It is a safe bet that all you come across and all who are in your target audience do use Email in today’s hyper-digital environment. Email gives you a direct line of two-way communication with your target audience, unlike other marketing channels like print or broadcasting.

2. People Can Check Emails Instantly With Their Mobile Device

Through an electronic slab that they are holding in their pockets, you can click send on an email, and within an instant, hundreds and potentially thousands of people can get notified. It can give you an unprecedented advantage of speed and reach in executing your marketing with the combination of mobile devices and email marketing.

3. Email Is A Great Way to Inform Your Customers

You can deliver messages at the click of a few buttons with no costs other than what you are paying to your email marketing provider when you have grown your email list to a sizeable number. In your business, you need to consider an important milestone. You might have just given your product a significant overhaul as you deliver the benefits to your target customers.

You can also select to run ads and also publish a release in a newspaper to inform people. Both the methods are going to attract lukewarm leads and even cost you money. Suppose you have a juicy email list with people who voluntarily choose to receive messages. In that case, you can deliver the same message to an enthusiastic crowd for a margin of the cost of print or digital ads, on the other hand. Your business becomes more significant with the giant list that you have.

4. Create Brand Awareness and Appeal With the Email

For any business that starts or looks to grow, building brand awareness is a very important activity. To drive consumers to choose your products over competitors, brand awareness is that intangible quality. The more likely they will buy from you the better that they know you.

So, how do you form brand awareness?

It is from attracting attention through which awareness comes. When you make yourself visible, people will learn about you. To hold the attention of the recipient, you can also use emails in a few ways. You can send subscribers with the use of Email after seeking permission:

  • Industry updates
  • Expert advice
  • Market news
  • Blog updates

It should not directly address your business with all of these examples that should be relating to your domain of business. At the same time, they show your customers that you care about more than just your name with the emails to help build brand awareness. You can even send emails about your product to keep yourself top of mind than ever so often.

5. Email is Perfect for Personalized, Targeted Messaging

For every single potential customer, a marketer’s dream is to have a unique personalized value proposition. Email marketing does a pretty great job of approximating this dream, while marketing is not quite there By whatever customer characteristics you think are relevant to your business, you can segment your email lists. If you are a sports brand, you can segment your customers by the sports they like.

Marketing also has the reputation of being impersonal, and Email can alleviate that concern secondly. For any small business, email marketing possesses certain qualities to make it a great business resource.

6. Email Inspires Action

A call to action is carried with every marketing message. To sign up, learn about your new hot sauce flavors, make a purchase, etc., you are asking someone to acknowledge your brand.

To inspire action, Email is a great way. It is in your emails that you can easily embed the call to action buttons. A multitude of things can be done through these calls to action buttons. The following is how they can be used for:

  • Ask people to sign-up for your latest course
  • Direct them to your blog/website
  • Nudge them toward a sale
  • Ask to share content on social networks
  • Offer discounts

To inspire action use Email as these are just a few of the things that you can do.

7. Email Builds Relationships and Credibility

It can bring about a touch of personalization that other marketing channels lack as we have discussed already. Understanding your audience can go in a long way in building relationships with your customers through personalization. Email can give you a chance to proactively reach out to leads and clients to show your enthusiasm and interest.

You will have the ingredients for building solid relationships as you combine personalization and proactiveness. You can use Email to drive your marketing home if you use it to build credibility if you look to capitalize on more substantial relationships. The badge of authority and trust that people give you is credibility. From competitors’ noise and cluttered email boxes, it is that badge that helps you stand out. It is not difficult to build credibility for your brand through Email. To show your expertise in your domain, you have to keep your communication honest and authentic.

8. Email is Scalable

It directly relates to your growth when it comes to scalability. Scaling is simple in the case of Email. As your subscribers increase, you are scaling. You need not have any sophisticated measures in place before your email list starts to grow is where the beauty of Email lies. As the list grows, almost every email marketing software provides plans. You need not pay any unnecessary fees in anticipation is what it means.

You can scale the actions you take for 10 people to perform them for 100,000 people without a hiccup is the other advantage of Email.

9. Email is Measurable

It all revolves around the numbers. You are probably well aware of all the numbers you have to deal with to account for your spending as a marketer or business owner.

Accounting and measuring are made relatively easy through email marketing. To the critical numbers like the following is where most email marketing services give you access:

  • Email open rates
  • Click rates
  • Delivery reports
  • Percentage of clicks
  • Emails opened by geography.
  • Emails opened by device/browser.

To justify your marketing activities while also giving you access to valuable, actionable data is where all this rich information makes it easy for you.

10. Email Marketing is Adjustable

It becomes quite tricky if you are running a print ad and find a typo or run a TV advert and receive a negative response. It is especially tried, if not downright impossible, to be able to adjust the message. In your marketing budget, these are the changes that can make a huge dent.

All you would have to do is resend an email or acknowledge mistakes in your Email by writing a follow-up email at almost no cost within your marketing budget. You can also A/B test your subject lines as this is the other advantage of email marketing. You can devise future campaigns with this knowledge as you can find out which subject line variants brings in the most click rates.

11. Emails Are Versatile by Nature

In your messaging, email marketing easily allows you to incorporate a broader scope of media. You can easily include the texts, and videos, embed content and use them in almost every combination you see fit your business.

12. Email’s an Excellent Channel for Customer Acquisition

To inspire action in customers, we have already mentioned how an Email is a great tool. For the acquiring customers, too, this holds very true. It will help you build a great relationship with them with a well-crafted email marketing campaign that addresses the need and pain points of your potential customers.

You are sure to acquire new customers along the way as you add call-to-action options to your campaigns. It has been found that Email is multiple times a more effective channel at acquiring customers than popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, according to research conducted by McKinsey.

You can check out the growing trend for Email from 2010 onwards. The graph speaks for itself with email marketing as a customer acquisition channel increasingly adopted due to its effectiveness. However, the research is only till 2013.

13. Email Generates Website Traffic

Imagine that you have an average click-through rate of 5%, and you have grown your email list to 100,000 contacts. Now imagine that you share the article announcing your latest product launch within your email list. You will have 5000 people who immediately know about your new product even if 5% of the recipients click and visit your article. This is the best option that you can have!

14. Email Drives Sales

With the two points that are mentioned above, this advantage can work well. By acquiring customers and by driving people to your website, where they will be able to browse your products, you can increase sales.

15. Email is Cost-Effective

Compared to other marketing methods, it is very cheap to use Email. It is worth highlighting again as this advantage is enormous. For less than pennies per message, you can reach out to a large number of consumers. Most email marketing providers will be covering their free plans if you have a smaller mailing list.

It does not cost any additional dollars as mistakes in emails can be rectified quickly. In terms of media acquisition, you are essentially giving up all the costs. To become your own media company as email lists are your own private and direct communication source with the customers as you are cutting out the middle man.

16. Communication is Smooth and Efficient with a Combination of Email and Marketing Automation

To reduce the manual workload and satisfy customers through sending automated, you can use the automatic emails:

  • Welcome emails
  • Thank you emails
  • Onboarding emails
  • order fulfillment and tracking emails
  • autoresponder emails for frequently asked questions
  • discount coupon emails to frequent customers

17. You Own Your Data!

To improve user experience, search engines, and social media networks are constantly updating their algorithms. At times, your search results ranking and social visibility can be affected by these tweaks.

Imagine that you get buried under the rubble of a significant algorithm change that comes in. It will be a lifesaver when you have a healthy email list in such a scenario. You can keep them informed with the latest company news and updates as you would still have a direct line of communication with your leads and customers.

Final Thoughts

I hope that this blog will be able to shed some light on all the great things email marketing can do for you if you are considering the use of email marketing for your business or just wondering if your current email program is worth it.

It is important to remember to have a clear execution plan for your email marketing while all the advantages mentioned are well-documented and realistically achievable. You need to have grit and patience for results to start showing finally.

Dilip Tiwari

Dilip Tiwari is Digital Marketing Expert at USS LLC he likes to share Tips on Digital Marketing Services, Google ads management, Amazon ads management, and other blogs ideas.