There used to be times when talking to someone online was a big taboo, we used to be scared while talking to someone that what if our parents will find out or what if the person we are talking to turns out to be some devil soul. But with the change of times and advancement in technology, the taboo has turned to be the blessing for many.

According to recent statistics in recent times about 27% of people who met online are either happily dating or are happily married. Earlier there used to be chat rooms where we randomly used to find people to talk to but now there is a number of dating app development providing a platform to all those who seek a partner through online dating sites. Not only they connect with you some stranger but they also help you to find someone according to your personality traits and expectations.
Read more: Gain a Critical Mass of Users for Your Dating App
There are almost 1500+ dating apps with distinct and multiple features to attract single men and women to find their perfect match. The biggest market of online dating apps is none other than the US. The maximum percentage of people exploring these dating apps is from the USA.
You will be surprised to know that more than teenagers; adults are more inclined toward these applications. According to statistics, many adults spend at least one hour on these dating apps every day. Out of this %age, not all are seeking some serious relationships but are spending time just for fun.

Size Of This Online Dating Market
By the end of the year 2018-19, the dating market is expected to close down somewhere between $1385 million. Every year the number of people using these dating applications is increasing at a rapid rate and if we talk about figures as compared to the previous year there has been the growth of about 15-20% of people using these applications.
Looking at this growth this industry seems to be really promising but there are some sets of experts who believe that by the end of 2022 this industry will see a slowdown. However, there is one another school of thought that believes that this industry has still a lot of potentials to grow and by the end of 2020; revenues will increase by at least 25%.
Read more: What Is Tinder U?
In fact, there are few experts who believe that by the end of 2050 50% of the married couple are going to be those who met through these dating app development sites. No matter what it is a fast-growing industry and investing something in dating app development atlanta will surely reap some benefits for the investors.
The Scope Of The Dating Market In The USA
India has come a long way in terms of development and has emerged as the fastest-growing nation, then how can India be left behind in this segment. Thanks to apps like tinder, even Indians are seeking matches through these online dating applications. You will be surprised to know that on tinder about one million “super likes” are sent every week. And breaking all the traditional myths and taboos, women are more active on these profiles as compared to men.
The success of such dating app development Georgia has encouraged many young entrepreneurs’ to invest in this sector. The not only user base of these apps is increasing but investors are also increasing with each passing day. The idea behind developing these applications was hookups, but what started as a casual dating option has become a point where now people are finding some true and serious relationships also.
Reasons For This Huge Transformation
When we look back, we may find the only handful of dating website Development companies investing in this market, but with an increase in user base this market has transformed into one of the major hotspots for all the investors. Here are some of the reasons why there has been such a huge transformation in this segment:
The matrimony apps were there but they were into fixing matches for direct marriage only and were not at all romance-inducing. The apps like tinder may not be a matrimony app but it has a lot of romance and is the perfect application to know in and out of the person.

With women interested more in these dating applications, it is a clear sign that they want to break year’s old tradition of their parents choosing a boy for them. The women of this generation are smart enough and want to choose their partner either for casual dating or for lifelong dating on their own.
With tinder entering this segment only in 2015, the kind of growth it has shown has impressed many investors to look for one of the top best app Dating app solution provider to develop a website for them better than existing dating websites.
Websites have become redundant and people are into using more dating apps, as they are convenient to use. According to statistics, 4 out of 5 people prefer using mobile dating apps rather than websites to hook up.
All those who are looking for dating website Development Company to create such dating applications must choose the same very carefully. As with hundreds of companies already existent into a business offering diversified options from matching compatibility to finding the partner for LGBT community as well, you need to make sure that you come up with something unique and different from what others are offering.
Choose the top best app Dating app solution provider, and make the best out of this promising segment.