Innovating Healthcare Mobility Solutions At Every Step For Refined Development

We ensure the right technology with the right tool to leverage edge-cutting healthcare solutions for the new-age hospitals to give them new efficiencies, boost up facilities, and treatment. The solutions give transparency in handling patients, outflows, and discover new methods.

HIPAA Certified Apps

The HIPAA establishes administrative, physical, and technical security and privacy standards for both healthcare providers and business associates to manage compliance at workplaces.

Wellness Apps

Apps have made our lives easy by integrating a virtual extension for every wellness therapist. Healthcare mobility acts as a suitable agent by targeting the right audiences.

Advanced Medical Apps

The most advanced app for the people in health professions to improve the digital image viewing ability, reviewing electronic charts, test reports, and the status of symptoms.

Remote Monitoring

Get access to a patient’s life scans, remote heart monitoring, ECG viewing, remote checks to keep the hospital staff and family updated on the patient’s health.

m-Health Connectivity

Manage prescriptions and appointments in this fast-moving lifestyle and get the best medical assistance despite any location.

Health Monitoring

Healthcare and monitoring systems include the process of prevention, care, and treatment services by using the surveillance data to find out the risk of occupational disease.

Elegant, Secure And Initiative m-Health Application Development With An Intelligent Team

How Enterprise Mobility Has Transformed The Healthcare Industry

How Mobility Has Helped Patients?

Mobility, when combined with Big Data, improves efficiency and allows healthcare professionals to access the data from various platforms.
  • Remote Connection
  • Reliable Connectivity
  • Boost Productivity
  • Connect Caregivers
  • Medical Records
  • Real-Time Access
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Health Monitoring

How Mobility Has Benefited Healthcare providers?

Healthcare Mobile apps have created a new communication channel between healthcare service providers and patients. It has made easier for them to look up the medical history, give prescriptions. Let’s see how they have transformed healthcare:
  • Better point-of-care coordination
  • Seamless Data Flow
  • Direct patient management
  • Enhance Physicians Efficiency
  • Provide convenience
  • Caters To Customization
  • Real Time communication

Top Most Technology For The Prompt Healthcare App

Being specialized in the niche, we use the best possible algorithms to provide you accurate and efficient Healthcare records with the specialized set up by extending our horizons to manage your user database.




Gradle for android

Carthage for iOS

Retrofit with RxJava


An Idea to Reality Journey of App Development for Health records

  • #health records
  • #hospitals
  • #patients
  • #doctors

Building a One-stop healthcare mobility solution providing you the most advanced tools and clinicians required at the point of care.

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Universal Stream Solutions delivered award-winning projects & solutions for 8+ diverse industries. Check out our experience in building success stories and step forward to see your name here.

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Industries We Serve

We provide solutions such as Web development that will retain the attention of the target audience and increase the number of customers on the website or Mobile App Development that will leave a long-term impression on the business.

Are You Ready To Start Your Healthcare App Development?

It all starts with a message! Write to us about your requirements, we have our notepads set to record the features and functionality you need in your healthcare app. Get set to make it big in the healthcare business!


Insights From Our Big Masterminds

Our Digital Marketers share their thoughts about the newest tech trends via our ebooks, blog posts, and interviews.


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