Author: Ridhi Pethani
May 31st, 2021
Android 11 Features: Impact On Your App
It was a clear success for Android 10 earlier on. It introduced the dark mode and also changed the a...
April 13th, 2021
Pros And Cons Of Flutter App Development
In terms of mobile app development, what are the pros and cons? Is Flutter a good concept for al...
August 5th, 2020
Best Android Apps Testing Tools
Keeping in view the current market share, most enterprises are always targeting the Android platfo...
July 30th, 2020
15 Best Android Framework
Android framework refers to the set of APIs that enable app developers to build their apps on Andr...
July 3rd, 2020
How Will Artificial Intelligence Attract Android Users?
The field of AI research emerged in 1956. However, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making a massiv...
July 1st, 2020
Android App Development For Business
Smartphones are an integral part of our lives. Today it has turned our work easy in every aspect-...
June 26th, 2020
A Guide To Android Application Development Process
Various kinds of mobile applications are gaining immense popularity these days. Every day, MNCs li...
June 24th, 2020
Beneficial Tips For Hiring An Android App Developer
Do you want to hire a developer for android app? Digital marketers have witnessed that the use of...
June 22nd, 2020
How And Why There Is A Need To Become An Android App Developer?
Over the period, Google has made a useful contribution to the best OS that has been working in mos...
June 13th, 2020
How Android Apps Help You Make Money?
In today's world, everybody needs some extra savings for the present and future. There are so many...
June 11th, 2020
15 Best Android Games of All Times
It won’t be wrong to say that we heart Mobile Games. It is a fact that we all have a few games i...
April 7th, 2020
How to Make Your Android App Most Promising Among Users
Due to huge competition in the app development market, making your own app the most promising is a...
March 11th, 2020
Overview of Dating App Business
Dating apps remain one of the most controversial things. Some people like it while others do not....
February 27th, 2020
Top 6 Best Dating Apps in 2020
No one has the time to meet people in the traditional way. Gone are the days when you need to spen...
October 9th, 2019
Apple (iOS) Vs. Android App – A Comparative Study Report 2019
New Startup comes with lots of unexpected challenges. As an entrepreneur, you have to find the mos...
August 22nd, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Xamarin for Cross-Platform Development
At Present, there is high popularity for mobile applications in various industries. So the require...
August 13th, 2019
How Online Pharmacies Are Improving Patients’ Journey?
Usually, a typical customer’s journey starts with searching for a product or service and getting...
August 7th, 2019
iOS 13 vs. Android Q: Which Has The Better App Permissions System
As both the iOS 13 and Android Q are available in Beta, most of the people have a question that wh...
July 29th, 2019
Useful Tips to Avoid Slow Mobile App Development Procedure
As you know, from USS LLC we help app developers throughout the search process for apps projects t...